Multi-Car Pileup Attorney in Arlington, TX and Serving the DFW Metroplex
When you see a major accident on the news, it’s usually a scene involving many cars smashed and mangled together from an unfortunate collision. This is known as a multi-car pileup. This type of accident often results in serious injuries, or in the worst cases, wrongful death. If you or a loved one has been involved in a multiple car pileup, you may be eligible for monetary compensation. The dedicated car accident attorneys at Branch & Dhillon, P.C. can help you claim the compensation you deserve. We will take the time to understand the specifics of your case in order to serve your situation to the best of our abilities.
What Causes Multi-Car Pileup?
Multi-car pileups can be caused by many different factors. Here are some of the most common ones:
Distracted Driving. Distracted driving is extremely dangerous because it draws the driver’s attention away from the road. Distracted drivers, instead, could be focusing on other tasks such as changing the radio station, talking to a child in the backseat, or putting makeup on. Whenever a driver is on the road, their top priority needs to be ensuring the safety of themselves, those in the vehicle, and others on the road. This can only happen if they keep their attention on the road at all times. Everything else can wait until the car comes to a complete stop in a safe location.
Following Too Closely. It is highly recommended that drivers leave at least two car lengths between them and the car in front of them. This helps give drivers enough room to react to stopping, sudden changes in traffic speed, or changes in the driver’s behavior in front of them. Following too closely usually ends up in a rear-end accident.
Speeding. Speed limits were set in place to help protect those on the road. If you are rushing to get to a destination, you are putting those around you at greater risk. The more you speed, the most distance you need to stop, making it harder to react to changes in traffic.
Weaving In and Out of Traffic. Drivers should always check to see if there are any oncoming vehicles in their blind spots before changing lanes. Weaving in and out of traffic can lead to cutting the driver off behind you and accidentally hitting another car that is trying to change lanes, resulting in an accident.
Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol. Drivers who have been drinking should not get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Alcohol blurs judgment and reduces a person’s ability to react to changing conditions.
Weather. Inclement weather, such as heavy rain or snow, can blind drivers. If you cannot see out of your windshield due to inclement weather or fog, it is always best to pull over and wait for the conditions to improve before driving again.
Poor Road Conditions. Whether it is from increased traffic, road work, or slick conditions, the conditions of the roads definitely affect the likelihood of an accident. When the road conditions are poor, drive with extreme caution or, if you can manage it, stay off of the roads.
Who Is Liable for a Multi-Car Pileup?
Example 1. Car A is driving smoothly on clear roads. The children in the car start arguing in the backseat, causing the driver to turn around and speak to them as he/she is changing lanes. Because of this, car A collides into car B, forcing car B to suddenly slow down and causing car C, which is behind them both, to rear-end them from behind. In this case, the court decides that car A is 75% responsible for the accident while car C is considered to be at 25% responsible. Car B and C can still sue for compensation while car A cannot.
Car A cannot seek compensation due to the comparative negligence doctrine. This doctrine states that individuals found at fault for 50% or more of the accident cannot seek compensation for their accident.
Example 2. In this scenario, let’s say car A did change lanes correctly and got in front of car B. The traffic, however, stops suddenly in front of car A but car A still has time to safely slow down, as does car B. But, since car C wasn’t paying attention, he/she runs into the back of car B which then rams car B into car A. In this case, the courts find car C completely at fault since they had been driving negligently, resulting in the accident.
What Do I Do After a Multi-Car Accident?
Multi-car accidents can be traumatic, so it is important to know how to react after one. If you find yourself involved in a multiple car collision follow these steps:
- Move yourself and the vehicles to safety
- Call the police and a medical team to aid with any injuries resulting from the accident
- Gather the other driver’s information including name, number, address, insurance information, and license plate number
- Gather witness names, statements, and addresses
- Take pictures of the damage
- Go get checked out by a healthcare professional to make sure there were no hidden injuries that resulted from the accident
Finally, if you or a loved one is involved in a multi-car accident, it is essential that you contact Branch & Dhillon, P.C. Our passionate team of car accident attorneys can help you claim the compensation you deserve from damages and medical expenses resulting from the accident. We run by the idea that if we do not win your case, you owe us nothing. This helps remove the risk from seeking compensation, keeping you protected. This is just another way that our team puts you first. Contact us today for more information and to schedule your free consultation.