No matter where you live in the United States, there are bound to be some strange laws that you didn’t even know existed. Even the Lone Star State has its fair share of oddball traffic laws. Our car accident experts at Branch & Dhillon want to make our clients aware of these oddballs to help them to avoid inadvertently breaking the law. Additionally, investigate these odd laws can be fun. Here are some of Texas’s craziest traffic laws that you should be aware of.
All Vehicles Must Have Windshield Wipers
In 2019 and 2020 models of the Jeep Wrangler and Gladiator, the windshield can fold down. This gives the individuals in the car the feeling of riding out in the open landscape with the wind blowing through their hair. Unfortunately, the windshield wipers on the car can lessen that illusion. Don’t try to remove them though; while driving without a windshield is perfectly legal in the state of Texas, driving without windshield wipers is not.
If You Live in Fort Worth, the Parking Brake Must Be Engaged
In 1995, the state of Texas enacted Regulation 545.404 which stated that all parked vehicles must have their parking brake engaged. This was to ensure that unattended vehicles didn’t end up accidentally rolling if the main brakes were to fail. With the reinforced brakes in today’s newer vehicles, most cities in Texas pretty much ignore this law, except for the city of Fort Worth.
Several families woke up on Saturday, August 24th, 2013 to find that their cars parked on the city street had gotten ticketed for the failure to engage the parking brake.
Horses Are Required to Have Taillights
If you live in Texarkana and decide to ride your horse on state roads or through towns, you better make sure your horse has functioning taillights. Thankfully, this law only applies to riders at nighttime, but still, we think everyone can agree this is a pretty strange law.
Don’t Leave Keys in the Ignition
Want to avoid a hefty $500 fine? Don’t leave your keys in the ignition of your car. The reason for this law makes sense, as Texas has become notorious for car theft. Having an additional incentive to take your keys inside with you helps reduce the chances that your vehicle will get stolen while it is unattended.
Don’t Make a U-Turn in the City of Richardson
If you are ever driving through Richardson, Texas and you miss your turn, think twice about making a U-turn. In the city, cops can pull you over for making a U-turn and hit you with a pricey traffic violation ticket.
Individuals Cannot Ride in the Trailer of a Truck or Tractor Trailer
Unless you are operating recreational hayrides, the State of Texas prohibits the use of a truck or tractor with one or more people occupying the trailer. This is to keep the individuals in the trailer safe since there are no seatbelts or protection for those in the trailer should the driver end up in an accident.
Branch & Dhillon – Car Accident Experts
The car accident attorneys at Branch & Dhillon are dedicated to ensuring individuals get the compensation they deserve when involved in an accident with a negligent driver. We make it our business to know Texas law, especially concerning motor vehicles and personal injury so that we can best serve our clients.
We know that being in a car accident can be stressful. That’s why we work hard to ensure you can focus on your recovery while we get you the compensation you deserve. Contact our team today for more information on our services or to schedule a free no-obligation consultation!