Each year, tens of thousands of people die as a direct result of another’s actions. Medical malpractice and automobile accidents account for the majority of deaths, coming in at 90,000 and 45,000, respectively. What distinguishes a wrongful death is that it was due to someone’s negligence or intentional action. However, wrongful death cases are not always cut and […]
What Makes a Tragedy a Wrongful Death?
The loss of a loved one is a tragic thing to go through. Whether it was an illness, accident, or a natural disaster that resulted in the death, the survivors are left to pick up the pieces and deal with the pain. It is never easy. For some individuals, the loss of a loved one […]
He Told The ICE Agent What He Had In the Bottle was Juice. What Happened Next is Unthinkable
Teenagers often make poor decisions. Adults should have enough sense to protect teens from doing something potentially deadly. That was not the case with two United States Custom and Border Protection officers four years ago, who basically caused the death of a 16 year old boy attempting to bring liquid methamphetamine into the United States. The teen […]
Wrongful Death: Understanding the Legal Definition
When people use the term ‘wrongful death,’ they may be using it in a way that doesn’t meet the legal definition. That’s common and understandable, but it can also cause problems when it comes to being aware of any issues that are faced in a legal context. In short, wrongful death means making a claim […]
What is Mesothelioma?
Why is Mesothelioma Often Talked About in the Media? You hear about it all the time when watching or reading the news: someone is suing a company because they or a loved one was exposed to mesothelioma. There’s a reason that cases like these are so newsworthy. While this cancer is fatal, it’s also totally preventable. […]